Who are You?

The man I loved, or a master manipulator who played upon my vulnerabilities?

2 min readAug 10, 2024

You approached my heart with the calm precision of a botanist, dissecting each fragile emotion with a gentle yet unwavering hand. Your gaze seemed to penetrate my very soul, revealing secrets I hadn’t known existed. Yet, as I ponder the depths of our connection, I am left with an unsettling question:

If your interest was so fleeting, why did you invest so much time and energy in cultivating my affections?

I remember the first time I felt your warmth, as if the world paused for a moment and there was only us, cocooned in an indescribable happiness.

Every touch of yours, every smile you gifted, to me was an unshakable reality. I loved you with all my soul, with a sincerity I never doubted. But now, in the silence of this solitude;

I wonder, was the man I loved all along merely a reflection of my own desires, an illusion you crafted with such deep calm and caution?

You became the architect of all the happiness and sorrow that now fills my heart. I don’t know how to unravel the threads we’ve woven together, how to distinguish true love from the shadow you created. And if all of this was just a game, then I am the player who lost, lost in a scenario you scripted so perfectly.

Who are you, truly? The man I loved, or a master manipulator who played upon my vulnerabilities?

You boldly studied every piece of my heart only to master how to broke it. If you didn’t mean it. Then why did make it feel so real? If you didn’t mean it, then who was the man i loved all along?

