I Want to be Loved

Some people live within love stories far grander than mine.

3 min readJun 15, 2024

Perhaps even far better than I could ever imagine. Watching how they are loved is a delightful sight. I am not lacking in love from those closest to me — my family, friends, and relatives — but I know how different it feels to be loved by a partner. It’s something I can live without, but it feels as though something is missing.

After my last experience of finding new love, losing it made me fearful of being loved again.

I often wonder, what does it truly mean to be loved? In my dreams, it is a sensation of profound beauty. My entire being blossoms, my eyes sparkle with light, and each step feels like walking on clouds.

The love I yearn for is more than a feeling; it is an act, a series of gestures from the one who loves me. It’s about their presence that lingers even in their absence, a silent yet powerful force I can sense and see. It’s about understanding without the need for words, forgiveness that heals. It’s about growing and evolving together, side by side.

I yearn to be woven into the tapestry of my lover’s life, to be an essential thread in their narrative, a chapter in their grand adventure. I want to be the melody that lingers in their song, the key that unlocks their sanctuary, the verse that adds beauty to their poem.

I long to feel cherished, to be the protagonist in their story, not just today but in the annals of time. I want to be a living testament in the tales they tell, a part of the dreams they strive for, not merely an adornment in their daily existence.

In all honesty, I crave to be seen as worthy of deep love and boundless pride. I want my lover to feel victorious, to know that having me is their greatest triumph.

I yearn for time, dedicated moments that show their love for me. I crave to be loved in a way that affirms I am deserving of every bit of affection. I want to be cherished like a rare treasure, not just a possession.

I dream of a love that makes me feel like a masterpiece, meticulously painted with care. I want to be loved as a work of art, a masterpiece not just a fleeting sketch. I want to be embraced like a poem, rich with meaning and emotion, not just a passing quote.

I dream of a love that lifts me, that sees me as a muse, an inspiration, a muse not just for today, but for all the tomorrows. A love that makes me feel like the sun to their moon, the heartbeat to their song, the dream they never wish to wake from. I want to be the story they never tire of telling, the smile they always wear, the hope that never fades.

In the end, I want to be loved in a way that makes me feel complete, as if I am the missing piece of their puzzle, the chapter that finishes their book, the note that completes their symphony.

To be loved wholly, deeply, and truly, in a way that transcends the ordinary and ventures into the realm of the extraordinary.

