I hope our paths cross again.

‘I’m sorry we got lost.’

2 min readAug 17, 2024

I once believed we were destined to be, but fate had other plans, and we’ve drifted apart.

This year, for the first time, I’ve been able to accept our separation wholeheartedly. Yet, weren’t we too young to be so wounded by love?

Youth Of May (2021)

If only we’d met when we were more mature, could our love have endured?

Perhaps we could have forgiven and accepted each other countless times, keeping that spark alive. Or, we could have persevered and fought for our love instead of giving up so easily.

You’ve opened my eyes, broadened my horizons, and altered my perspective on life. As we packed our bags to leave, I knew I was saying goodbye to something truly precious.

We will all move on. People may leave, but you never truly fades. The memories remain. Love may diminish, but the person we loved will always be a part of us. We pick up the pieces of our hearts when everything falls apart.

‘I’m sorry we got lost.’

They say time heals all wounds, but it seems that hasn’t been the case for me. For the truth is, my eyes still linger on your image, and my thoughts constantly revolve around the ‘what ifs.’

Though I cannot love another right now, I still pray for your happiness. I hope you achieve your dreams and find joy. You deserve it.

Youth Of May (2021)

I’ll always be proud of you.

I hope that one day we meet again, both at our best, with our dreams realized, as the best versions of ourselves, ready to embrace each other once more.

I still love you, but it’s different now, and I must accept that.

There are no sad endings, no perfect endings, only endings that are infinite. I let you go — I let us go, everything new, everything ours, from the beginning. You left, and I stayed. We continue to chase our dreams on different paths.

